White and Yellow Butterflies
There are 7 species of butterfly of the Pieridae family commonly sighted in the British Isles. These include those common resident species known as ‘The Whites’ as well as the Orange-tip and Brimstone butterflies. The Clouded Yellow Butterfly is also included due to it being a regular migratory species to the British Isles although yet to become established as a resident.
Many species of the Pieridae butterfly family have strong migratory tendencies and consequently other species from mainland Europe are occasionally recorded in southern England. The expansion northwards of several mainland European species in recent years suggest such sightings may become more frequent, with some even becoming resident.
In Europe the Pieridae family is well represented with over 40 different species.
Clouded Yellow (Colias croceus)
The Clouded Yellow Butterfly species page has images and descriptions of the butterfly and its life cycle including caterpillar and pupa.
Berger’s Clouded Yellow (Colias alfacariensis)
The Berger’s Clouded Yellow is a very rare migrant to the Uk which was once considered a resident of the UK. Its similarity to the Pale Clouded Yellow and pale forms of the female Clouded Yellow can easily lead to confusion without close inspection. However, the Berger’s Clouded Yellow caterpillar is distinctive. Those shown are of specimens recorded in Spain. Others may be seen in the European Butterfly gallery.
Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni)
The Brimstone Butterfly species page has images and descriptions of the butterfly and its life cycle including caterpillar and pupa.
Large White (Pieris brassicae)
The Large White Butterfly species page has images and descriptions of the butterfly and its life cycle including caterpillar and pupa.
Small White (Pieris rapae)
The Small White Butterfly species page has images and descriptions of the butterfly and its life cycle including caterpillar and pupa.
Green-veined White (Pieris napi)
The Green-veined White Butterfly species page has images and descriptions of the butterfly and its life cycle including caterpillar and pupa.
Black-veined White (Aporia crataegi)
The Black-veined White butterfly (Aporia crataegi) was once resident in the UK. Although a common species on the continent any recent records in the Uk are likely to be captive releases, escapes or very occasional migrants. Those shown were recorded in Spain and other parts of Europe.
More photos are included in the Pieridae section of the European Butterfly gallery
Bath White (Pontia daplidice)
Despite being a common species on the continent the Bath White is a rare migrant to the British Isles. Those shown were recorded in Spain and other European countries. More images can be seen in the European Butterfly gallery
Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines)
The Orange-tip Butterfly species page has images and descriptions of the butterfly and its life cycle including caterpillar and pupa.
Links to Other British Butterfly Galleries:
- British Skipper butterflies (Hesperiidae)
- British Swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae)
- British White and yellow butterflies (Pieridae) – this page
- British Hairstreak butterflies (Theclinae)
- British Copper butterflies (Lycaeninae)
- British Blue butterflies (Polyommatinae) and Metalmark butterflies (Riodinidae)
- British Vanessid butterflies (Nymphalinae) and Admiral butterflies (Limenitidinae) and Emperor butterflies (Apaturinae)
- British Fritillary butterflies (Heliconiinae)
- British Brown butterflies (Satyrinae)