Blue Butterflies of the Lycaenidae family in Europe
In Europe the Lycaenidae butterfly family has over one hundred species. These include the Hairstreaks, Coppers and Blues.
By far the largest group are the ‘blue’ butterflies. Many are very similar and difficult to identify in the field, particularly when worn. Several species have regional variations which can lead to much debate as to their taxonomic status – separate species, sub-species or a nominate form. The underside markings of hind and forewings can be key when identifying many species.
More species are in the process of being added to the gallery. Many thanks to Paul Browning for his Spanish butterfly images and other contributors.
Long-tailed Blue butterfly (Lampides boeticus)
Lang’s Short-tailed Blue butterfly (Leptotes pirithous)
Common Tiger Blue butterfly (Tarucus theophrastus)
Holly Blue butterfly (Celastrina argiolus)
Osiris Blue butterfly (Cupido osiris)
Lorquin’s Blue butterfly (Cupido lorquinii)
Green-underside Blue butterfly (Glaucopsyche alexis)
Black-eyed-Blue (Glaucopsyche melanops)
Large Blue butterfly (Maculinea arion)
Baton Blue butterfly (Pseudophilotes baton)
Panoptes Blue butterfly (Pseudophilotes panoptes)
False Baton Blue butterfly (Pseudophilotes abencerragus)
Zephyr Blue butterfly (Plebejus pylaon)
Spanish Zephyr Blue butterfly (Plebejus hespericus)
Silver-studded Blue butterfly (Plebejus argus)
Idas Blue butterfly (Plebejus idas)
Geranium Argus butterfly (Eumedonia eumedon)
Brown Argus butterfly (Aricia agestis)
Southern Brown Argus butterfly (Aricia cramera)
Mountain Argus butterfly (Aricia artaxerxes)
Spanish Argus butterfly (Aricia morronensis)
Damon Blue butterfly (Agrodiaetus damon)
Mazarine Blue butterfly (Cyaniris semiargus)
Furry Blue butterfly (Agrodiaetus dolus)
Escher’s Blue butterfly (Agrodiaetus escheri)
Amanda’s Blue butterfly (Agrodiaetus amanda)
Chapman’s Blue butterfly (Agrodiaetus thersites)
Oberthur’s Anomolous Blue butterfly (Agrodiaetus fabressei)
Ripart’s Anomolous Blue butterfly (Agrodiaetus ripartii)
Turqoise Blue butterfly (Plebicula dorylas)
Nevada Blue butterfly (Plebicula golgus)
Mother-of-pearl Blue butterfly (Plebicula nivscens)
Meleager’s Blue butterfly (Meleageria daphnis)
Chalkhill Blue butterfly (Lysandra coridon)
Azure Chalkhill Blue butterfly (Lysandra caelestissima)
Provence Chalkhill Blue butterfly (Lysandra hispana)
Spanish Chalkhill Blue butterfly (Lysandra albicans)
Common Blue butterfly (Polyommatus icarus)
Links to Other European Butterfly Galleries
- European Swallowtail Butterfly family (Papilionidae)
- European White and Yellow Butterflies (Pieridae)
- European Nettle-tree Butterfly (Libytheidae)
- European Duke of Burgundy Butterfly (Riodinidae)
- European Blue Butterflies (Lycaenidae) – this page
- European Hairstreak Butterflies (Lycaenidae)
- European Copper Butterflies (Lycaenidae)
- European Skipper Butterflies (Hesperiidae)
- European Monarch Butterflies (Danaidae)
- European Vanessid Butterflies (Nymphalidae)
- European Fritillary Butterflies (Nymphalidae)
- European Brown Butterflies (Satyridae)