A ray of hope from a Falmouth garden
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Amidst the gloom of plummeting insect populations worldwide news of a species actually expanding its range is always cheering. In our Cornish garden Jersey Tiger moths have now become a common sight in the summer. Increasing numbers of this boldly … Read More

Striking form of Cornish Vapourer moth larva
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In the South West of Cornwall the larvae of the Vapourer Moth that inhabit the moorland regions have yellow setae and pale yellow or pale orange markings. The one featured with unusual bold, rusty orange dorsum markings was recorded by … Read More

Early Jersey Tiger Moths in Cornish garden
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Good to see Jersey Tigers again in our garden in South West Cornwall.  This will be the third successive breeding year of this spectacular species since they first arrived in the garden as migrants in August 2019. This year the … Read More

Striped Hawkmoth migration
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The last week has seen a large number of magnificent Striped Hawkmoths, Hyles livornica, arrive in the Uk. Assisted by favourable southerly winds blowing in from the continent these fabulous moths first arrived along the south coast and are now … Read More

Male and female Jersey Mocha moths
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Male and female Jersey Mochas have emerged from the overwintered pupae of caterpillars reared last year. The eggs had been laid by a migrant Jersey Mocha attracted to light on the Lizard Peninsular by John Foster. Records of this species … Read More

Scarlet Tiger caterpillars on Green Alkanet
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Hopes are high for the stunning sight of large numbers of brightly coloured Scarlet Tiger Moths later in the summer. This species is prone to sudden explosions in numbers and the many recent reports of their caterpillars from the southern … Read More

Early Mullein Moth in Cornwall
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This cryptically marked Mullein moth was on a granite wall outside a hotel in Falmouth in South West Cornwall on the 21st of March. This is over a month earlier than the species would normally be seen in Cornwall and … Read More

Overwintering Hummingbird Hawkmoth
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Recent sunshine has enticed a few overwintering butterflies out into the garden. Whilst the odd Small Tortoiseshell and Red Admiral butterfly hasn’t been surprising a Hummingbird Hawkmoth certainly was. This early record may have been either a migrant or one … Read More

Very large moths arriving in the UK
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Recent fine weather has seen the arrival in the British Isles of some large migratory moths from the continent. These have included several Convolvulus Hawkmoths. This species is one of the strongest flying moths and recorded as far north as … Read More

German caterpillars
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These three sightings of very different looking caterpillars were recorded in Germany. A magnificent Goat Moth caterpillar was seen by Eva Almajan near the Krumme Lanke Lake in Berlin. While, in Bavaria, Germany, Normajean Spencer spotted a green form of … Read More

National Moth Night
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The twentieth anniversary of National Moth Night takes place over three nights between 26th and 28th September. This year the magnificent Clifden Nonpareil Catacolia fraxini also known as the Blue Underwing, is one of the targeted species. For those unfamiliar … Read More

Rare Death’s-head hawkmoth in Scotland
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Anita Smith had a rare but very welcome visitor to her garden in Morayshire, Scotland. This magnificent Death’s-head Hawkmoth was first seen in her neighbours garden and then photographed on a trellis in Anita’s. This long distance flyer is the … Read More

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