Black-necked Grebe – Podiceps nigricollis

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Black-necked Grebe, Podiceps nigricollis – Newlyn Harbour has been the place to be over the last couple of weeks.

Two Black-necked Grebe and several Great Northern Divers have been feeding in the sheltered waters.

The Black-necked Grebe seemed to be feeding mainly on prawns and small fish.

The weather was mostly overcast when we were there but when the sun did briefly reveal itself the birds beady red eyes showed very well.

The deep water of Carrick Roads in Falmouth’s Fal Estuary is the best place for wintering Black-necked Grebe not only in Cornwall but also the UK.

It is only unfortunate that views are often distant.

So, for those birders interested in photographing Black-necked Grebes in Cornwall, the coastal fishing harbours often offer the best opportunities to get close.