They are becoming increasingly popular events enjoyed by both experts and members of the general public wishing to help with recording and learning more about the biodiversity of an area. The aim of these events is not solely to gain knowledge about the plants and creatures of a site but also to raise awareness and interest amongst the general public.
Despite attracting experts from a diverse range of fields who are more used to conducting a more controlled scientific study of an area over a long period of time these events are as much about enjoyment as learning.
Understandably, as BioBlitz sites may contain rare and protected species, there may be collecting restrictions and often the general public will survey an area alongside experts. For many, watching the experts find and identify species and then hear them answer questions about them, is a fascinating and eye-opening experience which for some can be the catalyst for themselves to then go on and become knowledgable in a chosen group of animal or plant.
There are BioBlitzes taking part all over the country, often organised by local conservation groups who publicise the upcoming events through the internet, local newspapers and their own publications to members. If intersted in attending a BioBlitz start off by contacting your local Wildlife Trust to see if they’ve got any planned.
Related pages: Bug posts | British bugs gallery
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